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شرح تفصيلي بالصور لمشكلة فقدان الرمز السري لبرنامج إدارة السيرفر للـ أتش بي HP System Management

شرح تفصيلي بالصور لمشكلة فقدان الرمز السري لبرنامج إدارة السيرفر للـ أتش بي

 HP System Management Homepage .. Resting Password 


This used to quite common when attempting to contact the HP Management Homepage, (or the local insight manager page) you can no longer get access.

Cant logon to HP System Management Homepage

ERROR: Username and password do not match


With much older versions of the Systems Management Homepage (before it used domain user names and passwords) you could simply copy over the CPQHMMD.DLL file from a server you knew the password for, and then you could get in.

Then they switched to domain authentication, and when that broke you could navigate to C:\compaq\wbem\homepage, edit the cpqhmmd.ini file with the following entries;

Then edit the cpqhmmdx.ini file in the same directory with the following values;

Then restart the Server (or the HP Services if that’s easier) and you could log in.

With newer versions of the HP Management Homepage those files no longer exist!

1. Head over to www.hp.com and do a drivers/software search for the model of your server, select the operating system you are using and look in the “Software – System Management” section. Locate, download, and install the HP Management homepage software.

Note: Don’t panic this will not need a reboot.

Reinstall HP System Management Homepage

2. It says Administrators always gets access but I still add it in anyway (Note: If this is a domain controller, the local Administrators group is the domain admins group anyway).

Administrator Access  HP System Management Homepage

3. Set as follows.

Local Access  HP System Management Homepage

4. I’m leaving mine open from any server.

Trust HP System Management Homepage

5. Now we are in! (hooray!) and I’ve got a broken BBWC (boo!).

Working HP System Management Homepage

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